Thatch Island Oysters, exclusively distributed by Pangea Shellfish, are high quality select oysters from Barnstable, Massachusetts. They consistently have full, plump meats, and strong, sturdy shells that shuck well. We are proud to have these oysters in our line-up because these oysters came to impress.
Product Specifications
Crassostrea virginica
Barnstable, MA
Farmed: 18 to 24 months
Average Size:
3.5 inches
Flavor Profile
A briny bite and silky meat with a limestone finish.
Suggested Pairing:
Brine Intensity
Growout method
Oyster seed is started in mesh bags on rebar racks, then graduated to larger mesh bags for final growout.
Site Details
Barnstable Harbor; 10-foot tidal range from Cape Cod Bay with freshwater inputs from nearby creeks.
Clean, sandy bottom with large thatch beds.
the Grower
Matt Bunnell did it all as a commercial fisherman. He started out tuna fishing as a teenager, he then worked a groundfish hook and line boat before dragging for sea scallops. When Matt and his wife Jen decided to have a family, Matt transitioned to oyster farming for a steadier source of income and a vocation where he would not have to leave for days at a time. Together, they formed Sandy Neck Oyster Company. They are fulfilled by seeing the labor of their love grow into beautiful deep-cupped oysters and being able to share them with others.