To All Oysters

Cotuit Oyster
Cotuit, MA
Cotuit Oysters are recognized for their briny flavor and unique sweet finish. Their hard, tumbled shells make shucking a breeze.
Product Specifications
- Specie:Crassostrea virginica
- Origin:Cotuit, MA(USA)
- 18 to 24 months
- Average Size:3-3.75 inches
- Available:Year-round
Flavor Profile
Plump meats, moderate brine, and a slightly sweet finish.
Suggested Pairing:
Brine Intensity

Growout method
Our oysters are tumbled with a mechanical sorter several times while they are growing. After they reach the desired size, they are bottom planted on the hard sand for the remainder of their life cycle. This combination produces an oyster that has a hard shell which makes shucking an easy task.
Site Details
- Tides:Fresh water streams, marshes and estuaries combined with the clean water entering from Nantucket Sound provide our oysters with a rich food supply.
- Bottom:Hard, sandy bottom
the Grower
Dating back to the turn of the 19th Century, The Cotuit Oyster Company has produced one of the oldest brand name oysters in the United States. In 1857 Capt. William Childs returned from a life at sea to become an oysterman. His business became one of the biggest on Cape Cod. In 1894, Childs’ son Samuel decided to go into the business as well. He established his oyster shanty at the present location of the Cotuit Oyster Company.