Salten Rock Oyster
- Specie:Crassostrea virginica
- Origin:Barnstable, MA(USA)
- Farmed: 18 to 24 months
- Average Size:3.5 inches
- Available:Year-round

- Tides:Barnstable Harbor; 10-foot tidal range from Cape Cod Bay with freshwater inputs from nearby creeks.
- Bottom:Clean, sandy bottom with large thatch beds.

David Cranshaw is an enterprising industry veteran who recognized early on that shellfish aquaculture was the future. He got his start working in New Bedford (Massachusetts), the nation’s largest seafood port by dollar volume, unloading boats and processing the catch from those boats. He witnessed overfishing firsthand, including the collapse of the cod fishery. He operated a quahog nursery and later farmed quahogs to maturity before transitioning to oyster aquaculture.
In 2016, David partnered with Pangea Shellfish Company to start Blish Point Oyster Farm. Today, he runs the farm with a dedicated team. When discussing the practice of oyster farming David says, “I love making something grow, it’s gratifying.” He enjoys being on the water (even on rough days), the solitude, and the beauty of Cape Cod Bay.