Hollywood Oyster
- Specie:Crassostrea virginica
- Origin:Hollywood, MD(USA)
- Farmed: 18 to 24 months
- Average Size:3.25 inches
- Available:Year-round

- Tides:2 to 3 foot tides; river is one mile wide with the mouth opening up to the Chesapeake Bay.
- Bottom:Shallow, sandy bottom

I started farming oysters as a weekend hobby on my family’s farm in Hollywood, Maryland. In 2010 when MD regulations for oyster aquaculture were modernized I started permitting and larger scale oyster farming. In 2013 I had over 1 million market ready oysters to sell and I had an ‘aha’ moment - I left my city job and moved to the farm to grow oysters on a full time basis and I haven't looked back!
Hollywoods are grown in the middle of thousands of acres of preserved farmland in a creek that has fossilized oyster reefs lining its shores and a sand/clay bottom – which imbues the nationally famous Hollywood merroir.
As oyster farmers, we have the privilege of working on the water and contributing to our coastal community. We are constantly amazed by the biodiversity that acres of oyster cages in a ‘moving reef’ attracts. We get pleasure knowing that we are contributing to the restoration of our watershed by observing the increased animal and plant life around our operations.
Tal Petty
Hollywood Oyster Farm