To All Oysters

Eld Inlet Oyster
Eld Inlet, WA
Eld Inlet has been known for over a century to produce great oysters, rich in glycogen. Eld Inlet Oysters have an excellent meat to shell ratio.
Product Specifications
- Specie:Crassostrea gigas
- Origin:Eld Inlet, WA(USA)
- Farmed
- Average Size:2.75 inches
- Available:
Flavor Profile
Mild brine, slight sweetness, and distinct earthy notes
Suggested Pairing:
Brine Intensity

Growout method
Site Details
- Tides:McLane Creek and Perry Creek both wind through wooded areas and drain into Mud Bay at the southern end of Eld Inlet
- Bottom:Muddy Bottom
the Grower