To All Oysters

Standard Malpeque Oyster
Malpeque Oysters made PEI famous for its oysters. At a Paris exhibition in 1900, Malpeques were judged as the world's tastiest oyster, bringing the region into the limelight. Since then, Malpeques have become a household oyster variety like Blue Points. They can be found at most raw bars or on the happy hour menu. Though they are wild, Malpeque Oysters are clean in look and flavor, reflective of PEI's pristine waters. Harvesters still go out in dories and hand harvest them with tongs just like the good ol' days. Malpeque standards are the misshapen oysters from the Malpeque Bay.
Product Specifications
- Specie:Crassostrea virginica
- 3 to 4 years
- Average Size:3.5 inches
- Available:April through February
Flavor Profile
Moderate brine with a meaty bite and a quick, clean finish.
Suggested Pairing:
Brine Intensity

Growout method
These wild oysters are harvested by traditional tonging, then moved to a private lease to purge before reaching market.
Site Details
- Tides:Conway Narrows; medium tides from Malpeque Bay
- Bottom:Hard-packed red clay and rocks.
the Grower
We've got over a hundred years of experience between all the boys here. There are three owners: myself and my two brothers. We've been in business for over 10 years now and we love working together. Our father was a fisherman all his life. He loved oysters, lobsters, and the sea since he was a boy. We inherited that from our father.
It’s a family owned business. My two sons work here, my brother’s two sons work here, we all work together as family. We enjoy working. We enjoy each other’s company. And, we hope you enjoy Five Star oysters because they're top of the line - some of the best tasting oysters in the world!
Troy Jeffery
Five Star Shellfish