To All Oysters

Shooting Point Oyster
Shooting Point, VA
Grown at the North end of the famous Hog Island overlooking the Little Machipongo Inlet these oysters define unspoiled seaside.
Product Specifications
- Specie:Crassostrea virginica
- Origin:Shooting Point, VA(USA)
- Farmed
- Average Size:3.25"
- Available:Year-round
Flavor Profile
Plump, slightly sweet meats and an incredible pure brine finish can only be equated to kissing the sea herself.
Suggested Pairing:
Brine Intensity

Growout method
Site Details
- Tides:The Atlantic tide rushing across white sand and brushed by the peat of the pristine marshes of the Atlantic Coast Reserve result in the purest form of salt oyster
- Bottom:
the Grower
Shooting Point Oyster Company is a family farm located on the remote Eastern Shore of Virginia. Our oysters are sustainably cultured using techniques we have developed over the past 20 years and handled with the utmost care to ensure exemplarily quality from our farm to your table. We have blended the traditions of centuries past with the techniques of tomorrow to resurrect the finest heirloom oysters of the Eastern Shore.