To All Oysters

Kumamoto Oyster
Humboldt, CA
California Kumos are grown in lantern nets or SEPA baskets suspended in the water column. The result is a uniform jewel of an oyster that never touches the bottom.
Product Specifications
- Specie:Crassostrea sikamea
- Origin:Humboldt, CA(USA)
- Farmed: 3 - 4 years
- Average Size:2.25 inches
- Available:Year-round
Flavor Profile
Subtle brine with a pleasant melon finish.
Suggested Pairing:
Brine Intensity

Growout method
Grown as clusters on lines and in baskets suspended in the water column.
Site Details
- Tides:Humboldt Bay; small tides with minimal freshwater input.
- Bottom:Rock and sand.
the Grower
Founded in 1941 by the Dulcich Family, Pacific Seafood is a family-owned and operated company dedicated to providing the healthiest protein on the planet. Pacific Seafood manages all parts of the supply chain from harvesting/fishing to processing, and distribution in order to provide customers with fresh, sustainable, high-quality products.