To All Oysters

Gundalow Bay Oyster

Little Bay, NH
Crisp, and clean oyster out of the cold waters of Gundalow Bay, New Hampshire. There are 5 freshwater rivers that pour into the bay. This provides phytoplankton and nitrogen from different watersheds creating a vegetal palette that will change with the rivers and the ocean.


Product Specifications
  • Specie:
    Crassostrea virginica
  • Origin:
    Little Bay, NH
  • 2 to 3 years
  • Average Size:
    3.5 inches
  • Available:
Flavor Profile
Vegetal, with high minerality and hints of earth and mushroom.
Suggested Pairing:
Brine Intensity
Growout method
Grown in envelope bags during the nursery phase and transitioned to box bags for final grow out.
Site Details
  • Tides:
    Upper Little Bay; Well mixed estuary. super fast current comes in through the piscatiqua river.
  • Bottom:
    Mud and recycled oyster shells from shucking events
the Grower