To All Oysters

Dodge Cove Oyster

Damariscotta River, ME
A "Maine institution" well-known for their full meats, pristine flavor, and hearty shells. Grown by Dodge Cove Oysters, one of the first oyster farms in Maine.


Product Specifications
  • Specie:
    Crassostrea virginica
  • Origin:
    Damariscotta River, ME
  • 3 to 4 years
  • Average Size:
    3 - 3.5 inches
  • Available:
    April through December
Flavor Profile
Deep, clean and meaty with a powerful brine.
Suggested Pairing:
New England DIPA
Brine Intensity
Growout method
Seed from their own hatchery is grown in floating bags to 2 inches, then planted on the bottom for final growout.
Site Details
  • Tides:
    Great Salt Bay, Damariscotta River; tidal river with large 10-foot tides.
  • Bottom:
    A thin layer of silt over marine clay.
the Grower

Located in mid-coast Maine, Muscongus Bay Aquaculture comprises a shellfish hatchery and two farms. At their hatchery, on the Medomak River, they have been producing high-quality, fast-growing, and disease-resistant shellfish seed for growers up and down the east coast for over 15 years.

On their two farms on the Damariscotta River, they grow a variety of prized Maine oysters.The Muscongus crew of highly experienced, enthusiastic, and friendly staff are dedicated to ensuring a reliable supply of great shellfish products.