Fanny Bay Oyster
- Specie:Crassostrea gigas
- Origin:Baynes Sound, British Columbia(CAN)
- Farmed: 2 years
- Average Size:3 inches
- Available:August through May

- Tides:Baynes Sound; medium tides and swift currents created by the narrow channel between Vancouver Island and the mainland.
- Bottom:Sand and rock.

Started by three local farmers, Fanny Bay Oysters got its name in the 1980s from the beautiful landscape in the Baynes Sound. 30 years later we are now a proud part of the Taylor Shellfish Family of Farms and continue to grow incredible shellfish in the same waters.
As part of the Taylor Shellfish family of farms we are able to produce our own larvae in our hatchery and complete the full cycle of sustainable farming. At our farms we raise the seed in our nurseries, and place it on our beaches or in trays on our rafts, where our farmers care for it until its ready for harvest. We process our shellfish on site in Fanny Bay, a Canadian Food Inspection Agency registered facility, where we can ensure the traceability for each product that we distribute to our customers all over the world. As the largest producer of shellfish in Canada we pride ourselves on only providing the best, sustainable, top quality products to our customers.