To All Oysters

Belon Oyster
Harpswell, ME
Belons, also known as European Flats, were brought over from Europe in the 1950s, and since then, have grown wildly in the waters of Maine. Our Belons are harvested by divers even during the winters. Contrary to popular belief, Belon Oysters are not that uncommon. We, ourselves, band and sell over 10,000 Belons a week! Most people either love them or hate them, but a true oyster connoisseur will learn to appreciate them.
Product Specifications
- Specie:Ostrea edulis
- Origin:Harpswell, ME(USA)
- Wild: 3 to 4 years
- Average Size:3.5+ inches
- Available:September through June
Flavor Profile
A meaty chew, strong brine, and an intense, lingering copper finish.
Suggested Pairing:
Brine Intensity

Growout method
Our Belons grow wild in 10-20 feet of water. Fishermen dive the bottom in scuba gear and bring them to shore where they are cleaned and sorted. This is a wild fishery with a managed season of September through June. Our divers work the entire season and harvest the oysters to order for us!
Site Details
- Tides:Casco Bay; large cold tides introduce nutrient-rich waters from the Gulf of Maine
- Bottom:Pebbles.
the Grower